Welcome to my blog! I am also including my 5 Question Friday here. If you are part of the UBP10 Thanks for stopping by too!
Welcome to my blog! I am also including my 5 Question Friday here. If you are part of the UBP10 Thanks for stopping by too!

Click on the Either one of the buttons above to join in the fun! If you are a new follower let me know and I will follow back! I love new followers and Love to make new friends!
1. Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life?
I don't know who could actually play me in a movie. I'm a big woman and there really isn't a lot of plus size actresses. Maybe Kristi Alley would work. I asked my hubby and he said that Rosanne Barr would be a better fit for me.
2. Did you ever go to summer camp?
Yes I went to Summer Camp. I loved Summer Camp. I went to Girl Scout Camp one year. Then when I got to jr. high I went every year to Falls Creek Baptist Youth Camp in Davis OK. I even went to Band Camp. I even have one of those "One Time At Band Camp" Stories.
A couple of years ago I went to Falls Creek with Rubottom Baptist Church's Youth Group and took Sephy. She had so much fun!
3. What sends you running and screaming in the other direction?
The only think that comes to mind is vomit. I do not do vomit very well.
4. What is something you do that drives your spouse nuts?
When we are "debating" I never want to finish the debate. I hate confrontation and when he is "debating" I just don't want to listen to it. So I normally say Thats it I don't want to talk about it anymore and walk away.
5. What is currently your favorite song?
Right now it is I Will Rise by Chris Tomlin

0 Acts of Love..:
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