My Shoes are mine alone for I do not share them.
I wear them when I go to school.
I love my shoes for they are mine.
But, I feel sad when I wear my shoes because so many do not have a pair.
If I could give them a pair of shoes, I know that they would be happy.
I know that they would be their shoes and theirs alone for them not to share.
If you would like to join in please visit Sami over at Sailor & Company and join in the fun.
The rules are simple:
post a shoe photo
unedited (don't touch it or crop it or enhance it AT ALL)
don't post until you put your picture on your blog
link to your post not your url so I don't have to dig for it
only post ONE photo!

I wrote the poem just sitting reflection and I have been wanting to buy a pair of TOMS and for every pair of TOMS bought another pair is given to a child that could not afford a pair. The picture above are not TOMS. Just thought I would share TOMS website if you feel that you would like to help out the cause. I am no way being paid to endorse TOMS.
0 Acts of Love..:
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