I even remember when it was on my birthday and I woke up with chicken pox. What an Easter Sunday that was. I was full of bumps and itching and didn't get to go outside to hunt eggs, instead my mom and uncles hid the eggs all through the house for me and my little sister. I got shorts that easter that had Velcro on them that is how they closed. I thought that was the neatest shorts cause they didn't have zippers or buttons. You just put them on and pushed them together. They sure didn't last long since I wore them all the time.
The last easter we had with my Grandma Rose was in 2001. She died about 2 months later. I made sure we had a family dinner that year. Sephy was a baby (it was her first Easter too) and I took it upon myself to make the dinner that year. I cooked everything. The ham, potato salad, baked beans and I know we had other things but those are the ones I remember the most. She was so sick then. Something in my heart told me that I needed to make sure we had Easter Sunday dinner. She couldn't do it and I wanted her part of Easter. She was always part of it.
She sat in her chair and had fun with her 3 kids, grandbabies, great grandbabies. All our family came over to be with her on this special day of the year. We blessed our food, ate a great meal. Had an egg hunt with the little kids. It is one of those Easters that I will never forget.
Easters have never been the same since 2001. I have tried to make a new tradition and I haven't been able to. For a couple of years, I would go to my best friend Liz' house when we lived in Oklahoma and spend Easter with her and her family, but it just wasn't the same. I loved spending time with her. She is like a sister to me. Just deep down it was Grandma Rose's house that we went to.
I was going to post some pictures but alas there aren't any digital pictures from back then of Easter. I couldn't even find regular ones in my stash of pictures here. I guess I left them in the closet at our Farm House in Oklahoma.
I hope that everyone has a Good Easter Weekend!

0 Acts of Love..:
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