(if you would like to join in hop on over and visit Sandra!)
The weather in my neck of the woods:
Beautiful, a little humid, and it might rain tomorrow.
Beautiful, a little humid, and it might rain tomorrow.
Things that make me happy:
When my daughter tells me she loves me.
When my daughter tells me she loves me.
Book I'm reading:
I am not a huge book reader. I just finished Living Dead Girl by Elizabeth Scott. It is marked for young readers and I got it for my daughter to read and read the first couple of pages. Had it read in 2 days. But it is not for young tween/teen girls that is for sure.
What I'm enjoying on TV:
US of TARA- It is a funny show. I love just watching it over and over.
I am not a huge book reader. I just finished Living Dead Girl by Elizabeth Scott. It is marked for young readers and I got it for my daughter to read and read the first couple of pages. Had it read in 2 days. But it is not for young tween/teen girls that is for sure.
What I'm enjoying on TV:
US of TARA- It is a funny show. I love just watching it over and over.
Rachel Ray- I just can't seem to not watch her shows.
On the menu for dinner:
Leftover Brisket and Baked Potatoes
Leftover Brisket and Baked Potatoes
On my To Do List:
Sweep the carport
Clean the kitchen
Do some laundry
Clean the bathroom
New Recipe I tried or want to try soon:
Spelt Kaiser Rolls- Here is a link that has a recipe to them. I have one in a book that I will use.
Spelt Kaiser Rolls- Here is a link that has a recipe to them. I have one in a book that I will use.
In the craft basket:
Don't really do very many crafts, but I have been wanting to make something for my daughters teachers for teacher appreciation week next week.
Looking forward to this week:
Going to the Doctor on Thursday. Although if I am lucky they can get everything worked out and I can start meds to be on my way to having another baby.
Tips and Tricks:
When you can't get the lint off the dryer lint tray, lick your finger and then run your finger over it and it will come right off.
My favorite blog post this week:
@Almighty over at Layton Family Joy
Blog Hopping (a new discovered blog you would like to share with the readers):
Lucy's Reality- She will say things that most might be afraid to say. I really like her views!
No words needed (favorite photo or picture, yours or others you want to share):
This was taken by my friend Liz. Sephy was 7yrs old here.
Lesson learned the past few days:
That you must stop and enjoy God's Creations.
On my mind:
Afraid that when I go to the doctor Thursday that they will say I can't have another baby.
Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:
"Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days" (Psalm 90:14, NIV).

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