"How a Christian Should Live?" is a devotion book for youth. The book has many well known musicians and actors/actresses that do the readings of the bible. Listening to the CD along with reading it really helps you to comprehend it. Each chapter of the book as activities to do in it, Hear It, Get it, Grab It, Define It, Hold It, Live It, Give It and Word Games. I found that it was very easy to comprehend and would hold my attention if I was a youth. I think that if you have a young Christian needing or struggling on how they should live as a Christian then this book would be perfect for them.
From Book Sneeze about the book:
"Going deep into The Word of Promise Next Generation . . . the audio Bible for the "wired generation!" You've heard the dramatized New Testament featuring the voice talents of many of today's top young Hollywood stars. Now dig deeper and embrace the truths and knowledge of the Bible like never before. This new devotional study guide series is available in four volumes. Each volume includes an MP3 CD, a devotional guide, and journaling section. The devotional guide is presented in 13 lessons with topical articles, exciting and fun 2-color graphic design, and creative interactive games and activities for youth to enjoy! Also included is a journaling section at the end of each lesson of the each book.
Volume Three – the "How" focuses on the study of how Jesus' continued presence can and should impact our lives. It is based on the books of 1-2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1-2 Thessalonians, 1-2 Timothy, Titus, and Philemon.
Features include: GET-IT (help to understand difficult concepts); GRAB-IT (how does this look in your own life); HOLD-IT (how to maintain in everyday life); GIVE-IT (how does this affect others in your life); DEFINE-IT (in-depth look at key words); and LIVE-IT (presentation of ideas, questions, challenges to support each session's content)."

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