Thursday I went to the doctor. I was so nervous that I was going to get bad news and instead I got good news. That was such a relief. I got the go ahead saying that it was okay if I get pregnant. It just might take a few months so don't get my hopes up. Which I won't because I am giving this to God. If he wants me to have another child he will allow it to happen. I am just glad I am healthy, my blood pressure is good, no cyst on my ovaries, no more fibroids in my breast tissue so I am doing good.
Sephy had a musical Thursday night called Nora's Ark. It was written by Eli Yamin and Clifford Carlson. Her School was the premiere performance for it in Mississippi. You can go here and see more info on it.
Persephone was on the stage crew. She didn't want to do a acting part. But I wanted her to participate in it. I am so glad she did because she enjoyed it so much.
These are her in front of some of her work. She did a lot more but really didn't want me to take pictures.
Then Friday night we had Power Weekend at church with Jeff Slaughter. If you don't know who Jeff Slaughter is check out Lifeway's VBS Music or his website. He has been doing VBS music for a while now. It was a lot of fun to watch the kids have fun and worship God. Persephone really had a blast. Sunday morning the children will sing with Jeff during the morning worship service and then we will be having a lunch afterwards.
Don't forget about my giveaway that is going on. The last day to sign up is Friday. One lucky winner will be winning a really neat spa gift pack from Yoplait that has a cool towel wrap, some slippers, a nail brush, face towel, sponge and massager plus 2 free VIP coupons to try out the new Greek Yogurt. Sign up here!!!

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